品质经理 QA/QC manager
1. 领导并管理品质部门,确保公司的原材料、半成品及成品符合技术规范、可靠运行,满足内外部质量标准并符合所有相关管理规范。 Lead and manage the quality department to ensure that the company's raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products meet technical specifications and reliably, meet internal and external quality standards and all relevant management specifications. 2. 制定和执行公司质量策略,管理质量控制和质量保证人员,包括:品检员团队、驻外检验团队等。 Develop and implement the company's quality strategy, manage QC and QA people, including: Inspectors, Outdoor QC, etc,. 3. 制定并优化公司内部质量控制程序及流程,以达到质量保证及监控的要求。 Make and optimize the company internal quality control procedure and flow to meet the requirements of quality assurance and monitoring. 4. 协调品质部员工的日常工作,包括:产品检验、质量判定、包装及标签管理等。 Organize the department daily works, including: inspection, arrange testing, fabrics judgement, packing and label standardizing management. 5. 监控品质部门各类活动的成本、效率及可靠性,优化资源配置。 Monitored the cost, efficiency and reliability of various activities of the quality department, and optimized the allocation of resources. 6. 处理质量异常,定期组织公司的质量会议。 Be responsible for quality issues, arrange quality meetings in a regular base. 7. 客户投诉的及时并恰当地处理、协调,同时吸取经验不断优化内部流程。 Timely and appropriate handling and coordination of customer complaints, and constantly optimize internal processes based on experience. 8. 管理外部供应商,确保其产品满足公司的质量标准,传达公司对产品质量的要求。 Manage external suppliers to ensure that their products meet the company's quality standards and communicate the company's requirements for product quality. 9. 所负责部门团队组织建设和管理,下属的培养与发展,执行和传达公司管理层的工作指令。 Team building and management, training and develop subordinate, deliver and execute the company instructions. 10. 负责组织编制生产人员的培训计划,并贯彻落实执行。 Make and implement production employees’ training plan. 11. 所负责部门内及时有效的绩效管理,执行并落实绩效计划、沟通辅导、评价考核与激励。 Actively and effectively conduct team performance management, implement performance plan, communication /coaching, appraisal and motivation. 12. 所负责部门内积极有效地纪律督导、指引,监督内部奖励与惩处的管理。 Actively and effectively monitor team discipline management, including rewards and punishment management. 13. 及时有效地完成上级交办的其他工作。 Complete other tasks on time and effectively assigned by supervisors.
生产经理 2024-03-29
10K~20K/月 昆山市 本科 5年
生产主管 2024-04-30
10K~12K/月 吴中区 大专 3年
仓库主管 2024-04-01
8K~10K/月 桐乡市 大专 5年
生管主管 2024-02-22
8K~10K/月 晋江市 学历不限 经验不限
生产经理 2024-03-29
7K~12K/月 兴国县 学历不限 2年
裁床主管 2024-07-11
7K~10K/月 瑞金市 高中 2年
生产管理 2024-03-13
8K~10K/月 老城区 学历不限 5年
品控主管 2024-03-13
8K~10K/月 中原区 中专/中技 3年
服装后续组主管 2024-03-28
6K~10K/月 赣县 学历不限 经验不限
IE主管 2024-04-30
9K~14K/月 如皋市 大专 10年

外商独资 100-499人